Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dan Bong 2

I just finished putting up the "Dan Bong 2" video on YouTube. And I am very happy that I can share my information with folks. My best friend and Assistant, Senpai Tyrone Turner has once again helped me to tape the video and be the "bad guy" (Uke) in the video. The Dan Bong is a fantastic weapon to strike and lock with and can be used as a flail. But I very rarely ever see demonstrations using the rope portion of the weapon for joint locks and "control" techniques. I hope that some interest will be considered after folks view this video and I welcome any feedback- as long as it's "real" (sincere martial critique). The Dan Bong is a Korean weapon that can be used with or without a rope either single or double weapon. I love the length of this medium range weapon because it can be stored away comfortably until needed.

I would like to thank Sabumnim David Herbert and his Black Belt Staff of the World Martial Arts Center (WMAC) for sharing their knowledge of this weapon with me. Sabumnim has stimulated my weapons applications principles with this unique and dynamic weapon.

Until next time good folks watch your back !!!

Kindest regards,


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